Standard Products Made from fluoropolymers such as Teflon™
Our standard high-performance product offerings have evolved from our expertise in Custom Thermoforming and Custom Heat Sealing.
Teflon™ Bags
High performance Teflon™ Bags are ideal for challenging applications.
Teflon™ Drum Liners
Teflon™ Drum Liners for high purity and high corrosion applications.
Teflon™ Overwrap Bags
Teflon™ FEP Overwrap Bags are an ideal choice for use during cord blood storage, or any other application that requires a high-performance secondary level of containment.
Teflon™ Chambers
Teflon™ Film Simulation Chambers for aerosol experiments, climate research and investigating atmospheric processes.
Teflon™ Labware
Teflon™ Labware for the most demanding applications including: Teflon™ Beaker Liners, Teflon™ Petri Dish Liners and Teflon™ Funnels.

Welch Fluorocarbon’s products are shipped in extremely durable world class packaging.